So, I wanted to expand a little bit on yesterday’s social note, as I had a message about it. I am going to ask a question first though and give you a couple of scenarios. Which would be cheaper having one catastrophic illness and dying or having four of them in your lifespan to which you never quite recover?  The first is the goal of the naturopath. Keep you as healthy as possible before you expire.  But the sad truth is that we experience about four in our lifetimes as of 2022 with the average cost being $30,000+ depending on the treatment for even a minor heart attack.

The way to the first scenario is to make small changes to your lifestyle by getting off of the couch and going for a walk for 30 minutes a day, eating a diet of ideally no processed foods and keep your meat intake to lean protein meats only (chicken or fish). By no means will I ever say go vegetarian or vegan! The other is to find a complete one a day multivitamin, and take care of the endothelial glycocalyx (EGX). Your circulatory system is not just a bunch of tubes surrounded by smooth muscle to make it expand and contract, it’s more like a stream with glyco proteins that look more like algae in the bottom of a stream.  The function of the EGX has many facets, including preventing arterial plaques from building up, to influencing Nitric Oxide production, and many other functions in keeping our bodies healthy.  The EGX can be damaged or not repair and replace itself in a high blood sugar or high blood pressure environment. There are many different links to metabolic disease and the EGX.

Feel free to make an appointment by calling or visiting our website if you want to start working on your health naturally. Don’t forget that getting healthy and staying that way is all about the memories you make in your life!

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