Nitric Oxide plays more than one role in the body. A lot of people think it is just for making the old arteries dilate, but they would be sorely mistaken. Nitric Oxide is also a signaling molecule that tells cells when to proliferate and when to die, plays a role in pain, learning, neurodegeneration, relaxation, human growth hormone production, male virility, female pre-term labor, asthma, RNA and DNA synthesis monocyte and lymphocyte production, wound healing, increased bone mineralization, and lymphatic activity.  Creating nitric oxide is important, but the question is how do you raise it naturally?

The answer is simply exercise. Walking, gardening, etcetera increases nitric oxide.  In the clinic, we use Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) exercise to increase it naturally and to an increased level. BFR Exercise increases the amount of nitric oxide while working out half of the time with half of the weight.  Pam and I are both certified coaches in BFR exercise.

If you want to come in and find out more about BFR workouts to help keep you on your path to health, simply give us a call at (775)299-5998 or book online at and select BFR appointment.

#Herbal remedies #Traditional medicine #Natural healing #Natural supplements#Blood flow restriction exercise#Exercise